Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Life Lately 3.8.16

I am happy that we are in March, and am hoping for warmer days ahead and trips to the park with Lydia. She still hasn’t been on a swing so it will be fun to see how she enjoys it! They were always my favorite thing to play on in the park as a kid. Swings > Monkey bars. Mainly because I was terrified of them!

Anyway life lately has been good. I have been planning for Lydia’s birthday party and am really having moments of different emotions. I'm not one to openly share my emotions but having a daughter has definitely softened me! I get emotional whenever I see old pictures of her and think about the memories attached to them. I am so grateful to have a phone to capture all those quick moments! Especially in the earlier days. She was so tiny, sleepy and just edible. Yet, I am still falling in love with the little lady she is becoming. She is inquisitive, silly, sharp and my, oh-my, stubborn! She is a little girl who knows what she wants and I pray that as her parents we can lead her towards a path of godliness. 

Back to her birthday party. I originally wanted to do a tea party theme, then I was like hm, no-no, how about a garden theme? But of course I settled on a no theme party because it was really putting a damper on my creative juices, and as soon as I freed myself from a theme I seemed to get a lot more projects accomplished. I did however settle on a color scheme. Pastels! Which have been super easy to find because Easter is just around the corner. There will also be fresh flowers, paper flowers (Michael has been doing a great job with these...), brown paper + twine, handmade banners and of course lots of delicious food, which I'm excited about!!

Anyway, aside from planning Lydia’s party, I’ve been doing my usual chores, exercising, cooking and having a huge desire to prioritize more time on this blog. I recently got a new laptop and have no excuses. It might seem like most of the time I'm placing this blog as an afterthought but it's always on my mind and something I want to make a part of my daily life. I won't complain about how hard it is to find time because I know I can make time  the for things that matter to me, and forgo the least important things. But you know what, as I am typing this I just realized something. Lydia is sleeping and this couldn't be a better opportunity for me. I am less distracted and my mind seems to be at its sharpest. This couldn't be a better first step in the right direction and you get to experience it with me! Now all I need to do is devote time to taking pictures.... :)

Um, let’s see, what else can I tell you about. Oh! Sometime last month, Aria and I started working on the 52 lists project. We got to cover cool topics such as listing our favorite characters in books/movies/shows, where we'd like to see ourselves in ten years and this week is a list of things that we like to do for fun. The author Moorea Seal even created a hashtag (#52listsproject)  that can be used on Instagram to connect with others  also doing the lists! The lists are sectioned in seasons. It is a joy to do because we learn not only about each other but ourselves! I highly recommend it if you’re like me and enjoy reflecting on life but cannot seem to commit to a daily journal. 

And now I’m drawing a bit of a blank, so this the time where I say, see you next time!

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