Friday, October 7, 2016

24 things about me

Guys, last week I entered my mid-twenties! I thought 24 years old still qualified as being in my early-twenties but my husband told me otherwise and after a playful argument I finally accepted the fact that my early-twenties have expired, and that's okay! The first three years old my twenties consisted of life changing experiences like having major surgery, becoming a wife, moving to western PA, and giving birth a darling little girl. Each of those events came with their share challenges and adjustments but without them I wouldn't be the woman I am today. My hearts fuller, I'm better with managing time and focusing on the more important things in my life. I'm totally looking forward to the new experiences God will provide me with this upcoming year!

I am a huge fan of writing lists and because it's been a long time since I've done much of an intro on here and my about me page is only a couple of paragraphs, I thought it would be fun to write up a list of 24 random things about me.

one// I was born in Long Island, New York; lived in Queens, New York for six years of my life, then moved to central New Jersey because of my dad’s job. After Michael and I got married we lived in an apartment in New Brunswick, New Jersey and then moved about 382 miles away a few months later. I really miss my family and living close to the shore but I’m also loving our home north of Pittsburgh. The small town we live in has lots of parades, friendly people and it is just so peaceful which is perfect for our family. Pittsburgh is about 40 minutes away from us and I feel really lucky to be nearby such a spectacular city! 

two// My all-time favorite scripture is “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” -Philippians 4:4

three// I have three tattoos. A half a heart on my ribs (my sister has the other half), “Rejoice” written in Hebrew and a fuchsia Gerbera daisy watercolor tattoo on my left shoulder. For some reason all tattoos are on the left side of my body, and I’m thinking I might keep up with that trend!

four// I love Thai, Mediterranean and Indian food.

five// Cleaning relaxes me. If you would have told me that when I was about 10 or 11, I wouldn’t have believed you! I was the kid who stalled cleaning her room and dreaded Saturday morning chores. Something clicked when I got married and had my own house. Sorry mom. I guess you're getting your revenge with my messy toddler undoing all my chores. 

six// My favorite genre for movies are dramas, off-beat comedies, psycho-thrillers, and of course the occasional romantic comedy!

seven// I'm dreadfully shy. However I’ve been pushing myself to be more social, make phone calls, and get involved with others. It can be challenging and sometimes uncomfortable but it’s always worth it. 

eight// My current Netflix binge is Grey’s Anatomy and occasionally Prison Break with Michael. It’s so funny because a lot of the cast of Prison Break have been patients or loved ones to the patients at Seattle Grace!

nine// I feel more natural and confident as a savory chef than a pastry chef, mostly because I am more skilled in that area but I am working on that.

ten// I love earth tones: taupe, grays, yellows, browns and greens. But my favorite colors are turquoise, most shades of purple and red.

eleven// I was homeschooled through 4th-11th grade. It was a great experience, going to school the one year wasn't so great for me!

twelve// I've been drinking coffee regularly since I was twelve years old... I don't know if this something to be proud of? I like my coffee strong with a little creamer or in the form of a latte!

thirteen// I was a vegetarian all throughout High School and a little while after. It wasn’t until I studied at the Natural Gourmet Institute and read Michael Pollan’s book “Food Rules” that I became more aware of the better quality and sustainable meats options out there. My boyfriend-now-husband is who really inspired my transition to go back onto the path of burgers and bacon though. I quickly learned that adding meat into my diet opened more culinary opportunities in my kitchen, improved my health and feel overall less restricted with my diet. 

fourteen// Autumn is my favorite season!

fifteen// I have Ulcerative Colitis and have been in remission for about four years now. Daily medication, exercise, probiotics, a healthy diet and quality sleep are essential for me.

sixteen// By nature, I am stubborn and don’t always handle criticism well, but fortunately God’s been working on me in that area. Michael makes sure of it :)

seventeen// I’m a Puerto Rican woman who barely speaks Spanish, but I think my skills in the kitchen make up for it.

eighteen// I am allergic to cats but that’s okay because I’m a dog person.

nineteen// My old-standby wine is a Pennsylvania made wine called Buffalo Blush, it goes with mostly everything and taste nice too.

twenty// I am a homebody and most of the time I prefer staying in on the weekends writing, baking, or working on a project in comfy clothes.

twenty-one// I love ice cream especially soft serve, and making me choose a favorite would be like choosing a favorite child!

twenty-two// Quality time and words of affirmation are my love languages.

twenty-three// I am a daydreamer sometimes this is a good thing because it can be inspirational and other times it can be annoyingly distracting.

twenty-four// If I had to choose between running a mile and two minutes of non-stop burpees, I would choose the burpees. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate running.

And that's twenty-four things you probably didn't know about me!

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