Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dealing with the Unexpected

This year has been good to me, in fact, I couldn’t be happier! The kind of happiness that I’m feeling is almost mindboggling; perhaps all along I just needed to see things from a different perspective; a perspective I could only find from God. Although, I’ve been seeking the positive in every situation, I am also realizing how unexpected life can be. It has been a year since I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis which has been both challenging and life changing. Through that period of time I was presented with two choices: 1. Be bitter and angry with God OR 2. Use this opportunity to educate myself and find ways to help others who are also suffering by sharing my passion: healthy food and baked goods that everyone can enjoy.  I try to live by choice #2 accordingly and am hoping to open my own coffee shop for people with allergies or illnesses that require special diets to feel at ease. As of right now, I am currently in remission and haven’t experienced a flare up since my diagnosis which I thank God for every day. The amount of prayers and support I’ve received has really overwhelmed me with joy!  But unfortunately I am facing a new trial in my life and I hope by sharing this story you will continue to keep me in your prayers.

A couple of weeks ago, I was diagnosed with a disease called Avascular Necrosis, a condition of cellular bone death due to lack of blood flow. This disease was the side effect of the steroids I had been taking to treat my Ulcerative Colitis. So, without enough blood in my hip bone, the blood tissue can die and cause the bone to collapse; which would lead to severe arthritis or even a hip replacement surgery. Right now, I am on crutches for four weeks to help keep the weight off my left hip and forgoing my favorite exercises. The next step in the healing process is seeing the progress my hip has made.  Playing the waiting game is always the hardest part for me and can be pretty aggravating. But, like I said through this new perspective my only option is to look at the positive. How? By keeping my mind off of it, that’s how! I can reestablish old hobbies, read, sew, draw, bake, take photos, and of course spend time with family & friends.

It’s funny how there’s always a learning lesson through these pesky health situations. This time I’m learning that I need to be less stubborn and allow people to help and take care of me. God’s really been showing me that I need to let go of that fear of being a burden on others and ask Him to help me be more grateful! While this may be a crummy situation, I can’t help but find myself thanking God for placing me with such a supportive family and blessing me with a boyfriend who continues to comfort me. It’s definitely clear to see that God doesn’t expect anyone to face the trials life presents all on our own; so, he strategically places people in our lives to give us that extra encouragement we all desperately need.  The prayer I’m asking for is not only to recover from this disease but for me to continue trusting in Jesus, allowing people to help me, to not feel anxious, and to glorify Him in every decision I make. Thank-you.

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